About This Blog

I am a Christian woman, and traditional in many different ways, but not all ways.  My specific kind of Christianity is sometimes mocked or made fun of in various ways, or even looked down upon.  I will not ever make apologies for my beliefs.  I staunchly believe them and will stand by them come hell or high water.  My beliefs about God are central to the core of who I am.

I don't adhere to any specific group as I have varied and nuanced views of things based on my beliefs and experiences in life.  I have yet to meet anyone with whom I agree about everything.  So while I may reference specific individuals or groups in various posts, that is not a 100% endorsement of anyone or any group.  

I am also a mother of 4 children, and as my experience has led me through the years of motherhood in raising these children, I have gained experiences pertaining to motherhood, and to our culture regarding rearing children.  In fact, it is usually topics surrounding children that are the ones I am most passionate about.  They are central to my life as I have chosen to stay home to raise them instead of pursuing a career outside of my home.  I was blessed with that kind of mother, and I desired to give that same blessing to my children.  I wanted to see them grow and learn and develop and not have to hear about it from others.

I am NOT a feminist. Women are not oppressed in the USA. I'm grateful for the equal rights that women now have in the United States of America where I live.  I'm grateful to be able to vote, own property, choose to work, and have a career for which I would be paid equally by law.  I do not see any disparages between men and women at this point in history therefore I see no use for modern feminism.  There are NO rights that men have in this country that women don't have.  My views will be based on this position.

I am American and Conservative - but I belong to no party.  I am grateful to be born an American, and I'm proud of my heritage going back to the foundations of this country.  I had ancestors that found the same religion I now belong to and who immediately freed slaves given to them upon their marriage because they knew slavery was wrong.  My political views are more conservative by description, however, I'm not a member of any party.  I do not care for political parties and the issues and entanglements they bring and create.  I don't see value in the progressive views because I don't like what they are progressing towards.  I stand against communism, socialism, and fascism.  None of these are sources of freedom, equality, equity, or unity.  They are all oppressive to everyone except a small elite few.

I believe in Freedom of Speech quite heavily and distinctly.  This means others won't always agree with me, just as I don't always agree with other people.  I feel name-calling and labeling to be inappropriate and immature ways to handle such things.  Disagreements shouldn't mean you have to become disagreeable as individuals toward one another.  Therefore, I am not interested in caring about what labels others choose to create for me because they dislike my views or beliefs.  That's their issue, and not mine.  Here is my space where I discuss my viewpoints, and opinions.  Some things I will state are objective truths because some things are simply facts.  What I don't tolerate is threats.  Those are inappropriate and could lead to violence against myself or those I love and I take those seriously and report them to local authorities.

As an individual personality, I am fun-loving, kind, creative, and very strongly based on my principles.  I do not violate my internal principles and values for anyone.  I enjoy many hobbies in life and have had a wonderfully rich and enjoyable life filled with struggle and sorrow, joy and love, just like most if not all other human beings on the planet.

I have created this space to house my various opinions and views on topics, and those may shift and change depending on experience and progression through life.  That may be fairly rare though, yet not impossible.  As a human being, I am nowhere near perfect, not always correct, and am seeking to learn and grow as I sojourn through life.

This blog was designed as a place for housing various opinions and views I want to shine a light upon and about which I desire to express.  I make no apologies for the fact that this is very plainly stated as being a blog to express my opinions, viewpoints, and beliefs.  This is my space.  If this isn't something that agrees with you, that you want to read or care about, you are more than welcome to click away from it and find some other location to read that you're more comfortable with.  I will not be taking demands in comments.  All the comments are screened until approved, and every comment with a threat will be reported to the police.

Currently, this blog is under construction and may change layout or content periodically until it is more firmly set and established to where it feels like it is functional and where I would like it to be.  Until that time, please note that things may change or be arranged differently from time to time.

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